Share your 2024 Cultural Spectacular Feedback!

Your Chance to Win 1 of 10 $100 Fuel Cards!

We’d love to hear from you
Tell us what you enjoyed most about the 2024 Aboriginal Community Development Fund Cultural Spectacular, and you’ll go into the draw to win a $100 fuel card. Your feedback helps us improve and create even better events in the future.


  1. What was your favourite part of the Cultural Spectacular?
    (Free-text answer)
  2. Postcode:
    (Short text field)
  3. Name:
    (Short text field)
  4. Email:
    (Short text field)
  5. Contact Number:
    (Short text field)
  6. Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?
  • Yes
  • No

7. Would you like to register for notifications about the next Cultural Spectacular?

    • Yes (Checkbox)
    • No (Checkbox)

    After submission statement

    Thank you for your feedback! We look forward to seeing you at future events. We will contact you via email or phone if you are a winner.