We recently visited the Sustainability Hub on Sydney Street and sat down with the team to discuss their vision for reshaping Muswellbrook into an eco-conscious community.
Through our discussion, we better understand how, as a community, we can reclaim waste to produce new materials and products, contributing to a more sustainable future.
As part of this journey, Muswellbrook’s current Garden Organics waste service is undergoing a transition to a Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) service, scheduled for launch in July by Muswellbrook Shire Council.
We look forward to working with the sustainability team and our community as we prepare for FOGO’s launch to explore the details—how, what, and why—and the collective significance of composting reducing our community’s landfill waste.
For more information on all things FOGO, please visit www.muswellbrook.nsw.gov.au/fogo